The Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS) offers social intervention programmes that are geared towards providing beneficiaries assistance through employment, education and entrepreneurship grants to facilitate independence, growth and development.

Social Intervention Programme (SIP) – Employment

MLSS partners with private entities by employing individuals for a period of six (6) months. During this period, these persons attain on the job training to enhance their employability skills and job experience.

Fortnightly wages for the first three (3) months is paid by the MLSS while the remaining three (3) months of employment paid by the participating company.  The salary is $6,500.00 per week.

Companies can opt to pay for the first three months and allow the MLSS to pay for the remaining three months.

What do I need to apply?

  • Unemployed
  • Between the ages of 18 – 35 yrs old
  • Two (2) Passport size pictures (should not be more than six (6) months old/name must be indicated on back of photo).
  • TRN, NIS and a photo identification (e.g. Passport, Drivers License or National Identification Card)
  • Minimum of three (3) CSECs (with proof of qualifications)
  • Two (2) letters of recommendations (Justice of the Peace, Minister of Religion, Principal, Teacher, Police Officer – from the Rank of Sergeant, Military – from the rank of Staff Sergeant, Notary Public etc.)
  • Typed Resume

Social Intervention Programme (SIP) – Education & Entrepreneurship

The programme offers financial assistance in the form of a grant to pursue educational or entrepreneurial activities to vulnerable individuals who may lack resources or who are unable to finance their educational pursuits.

Prior to receiving the Grant, the applicant MUST perform 30 hours of community service, usually 5 – 7 hours per week.

Some of the institutions where community service should be undertaken are:

  • Golden Aged Homes
  • Children’s Homes
  • Mustard Seed Communities
  • Infirmaries Etc.

What do I need to apply for entrepreneurship?

  1. Between ages 18 – 40 years old
  2. A Business Proposal (available at MLSS local office)
  3. Proof of authorization to operate from the location. e.g. letter from the owner of the premises or the local authority (Parish Council), lease or rental agreement or evidence of ownership – title or property tax receipt
  4. Evidence of compliance with relevant regulations, for example Food Handlers Permit, Hawk and Peddlers License etc
  5. Invoice for the products/services
  6. TRN
  7. National ID
  8. NIS
  9. Letter of Recommendation
  10. Passport sized photograph

Qualified persons can receive a maximum of $100,000 for an individual project; and a maximum of $200,000 for group projects with a minimum of three (3) qualified persons.

Steps to Work

The Steps to Work Project was implemented in May 2008 with the primary objective of promoting economic self-sufficiency of poor households, particularly PATH beneficiaries, comprise the majority of welfare recipients. The programme seeks to engage working-age (15-64) – not attending school, members of PATH households on a voluntary basis in a set of initiatives aimed at job readiness, skills and competencies building, job matching, and business development.

The programme has two primary functions:

  1. as a portal, providing information about and referring participants to various alternative remedial education, training and employment services and
    1.       as a service provider, partnering with other government and non-government organizations in designing, organizing and delivering educational interventions, job readiness preparation and search assistance, skills and competencies training and business development and micro-enterprise support including start-up funding.

PATH has relied upon partnerships in the education and training sector to deliver services to participants. The partnership with HEART Trust-NTA allows for the provision of access to vocational skills training; placing participants directly into existing programmes and creating customized programmes for targeted groups and a second partnership combines staff resources to deliver a job preparation programme called ‘Job Savvy’.

Rehabilitation Grants

This grant is awarded to persons who are experiencing adverse circumstances which have interrupted their ability to earn an income.

The following are different classification of Rehabilitation Grants:

– Assistive Aids

– Medical Assistance

– Educational Assistance

– Income Generating Projects

*Applications for Grants are separate from the Registration Application and is only processed by a Social Worker of JCPD.

Economic Empowerment Grant

This grant is made available to persons with disabilities (PWDs). In cases where the (PWDs) is unable to access the grant themselves, a parent or guardian may assist. A group of persons with disabilities can also access the grant. Applicants are able to operate a project that is viable or which will enable them to gain suitable employment.

Application Requirements

  1. Applicants must have a disability and be registered with the J.C.P.D or the primary care giver of a person with a disability. Caregivers are required to verify that he/she is a primary care-giver of the applicant.
  2. Applicants should be unemployed or earning less than the minimum wage of $25,000.00 a month.
  3. Application forms can be obtained from J.C.P.D and the C.D.A. Completed forms should be submitted to the following agencies: J.C.P.D, C.D.A, institutions providing services to persons with a disability and the parish offices of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security for rural applicants.
  4. Upon completing the application forms, Agencies are required to ensure that the forms are properly completed before they are submitted to the J.C.P.D.
  5. Application forms should state acquired skills/training for project proposed.
  6. Application forms should indicate viability of projects.

Steps to receive benefits

  1. After application forms are received by the J.C.P.D, forms will be submitted to the Margaret Moody Sub-Committee, for the final selection. This committee will vet and select the projects for funding.
  2. Upon approval of application, the beneficiaries are required to provide the J.C.P.D with specific invoices of the specific amount, bearing the name and TRN of the suppliers.
  3. Upon providing J.C.P.D with invoices, beneficiaries will undergo a one day intense training in project management and small business management.
  4. All beneficiaries are required to establish a savings account with a Credit Union or other financial institutions and be registered with the NIS before Funds are released.
  5. Information disseminated in training should be accessible to all trainees with disability, e.g. braille and sign language.
  6. All beneficiaries are invited to register as members of a network of entrepreneurs with disability.
  7. Once the necessary conditions are met, cheques are released for the commencement of business.
  8. All beneficiaries will have their projects monitored on a regular basis by a social worker or field officer for the J.C.P.D and any other institution that are partners in assisting in the monitoring process.

Educational Assistance

This ensures access to educational opportunities, for example, school fee and text books are also available. Clients attending Primary and Secondary education institutions can apply for educational assistance during the months of June- August each year; only one of the assistance is given per applicant.


For students attending school for the first time, a copy of the acceptance letter should be submitted along with the supporting document (e.g. school voucher or book list or an invoice for uniforms or shoes etc).


For students returning to school a copy of the last performance report should be submitted along with the supporting documents (e.g. school voucher or book list or an invoice for uniforms or shoes or books etc).